Peter Overby: If you're looking for a story about how Washington works, this is it. Analyst James Andrew Lewis has watched the flap over the Dubai Ports World unfold from his perch at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
James Andrew Lewis: People at political level are comfortable with the global economy. They're comfortable with big economic players like Dubai, and they didn't realize that they were going to be ambushed on the political side.
Overby: The story starts with the quaintly named "Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company," P&O for short. The British firm operated some, but not all terminal facilities at several US ports. Last year, DP World set out to buy P&O. In mid-October, even before it let P&O know, DPW went to work in Washington. It needed approval from CFIUS, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US. It's the multi-agency federal panel that passes judgment on deals with foreign corporations that raises anti-trust or national security questions.
Lewis: There's a small number of lawyers in Washington who specialize in CFIUS. These lawyers would advise you to start work early, kind of do a reconnaissance, and if you're going to have problems, are they a deal-killer, or is it something you can fix?
Overby: You've never heard of the lawyer DPWorld hired, but CFIUS had. He's Jonathan Weiner, formerly the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Law Enforcement in the Clinton State Department. Weiner and spokesmen for DPWorld declined to give formal interviews for this piece. Twelve different agencies participate in CFIUS. Weiner and his associates negotiated with them. By the time DPWorld announced their deal, the CFIUS agencies had stopped worrying about the security issues that have bothered them at first. That was all done by the end of November. Two weeks later, DPWorld filed its formal CFIUS application. Tony Fratto is a spokesman for CFIUS.
Tony Fratto: This is the way the reviews usually begin -- with a lot of work done before the case is actually submitted for review.
Overby: The deal got noticed in the business press. At one company in particular, it set off alarms. Eller and Company has two joint ventures with P&O. Eller did not want to become what it calls an involuntary partner of DPWorld. The company's lawyer, Michael Kreitzer, says Eller concluded it had to go to its court of last resort, Congress. It couldn't afford a team of big-name lobbyists, but someone at Eller was friends with Joe Muldoon. So, Kreitzer says, Eller hired him.
Michael Kreitzer: It was more or less a one-man show.
Overby: Muldoon says he was semi-retired on his horse farm in rural Maryland. Congress was out of session the entire month of January so Muldoon had time for research. In February, with Congress back in town, Muldoon started making the drives in to Capitol Hill. He had just a laptop, a cell phone, and a binder full of information.
Joe Muldoon: I'm obviously getting paid to do this, but to tell you the truth, I have done nothing else 24/7 since I started looking at this issue. It's clearly a long shot.
Overby: He says that at first nobody he talked to had heard of the ports deal.
Muldoon: I started with the Banking Committee, majority and minority.
Overby: Muldoon started there because the Senate Banking Panel had looked into CFIUS last year. As he talks, he searches his binder and pulls out a document on P&O.
Muldoon: I also spoke to... if you look at this map of the twenty-some ports at which they have operations, that sort of gave me a blueprint of Senate and House offices to go and try to start contacting.
Overby: One senator fit both criteria. On the Banking Committee and representing a major seaport. And he was media savvy to boot. It was Democrat Chuck Shumer of New York. Shumer's office heard from Muldoon, from Eller and Company lawyer, Michael Kreitzer, and from an Associated Press business reporter who'd been talking with Muldoon and Kreitzer. In a period of four days, the AP reporter's story ran nationwide, Shumer called for a review by the Department of Homeland Security, and he held a press conference with 9/11 families. He called on President Bush to step in. DPWorld hired teams of lobbyists. Congressional committees held hearings where DPWorld's Chief Operating Officer Ted Bilkey made it a point to mention his family's standing as Washington insiders.
Ted Bilkey: Every generation of my family from the earliest days has served in the Senate, House of Representatives, and as Secretary of State.
Overby: But it may be too late. And Joe Muldoon, the semi-retired lobbyist who had a needy friend in the port operations business, is still hard at work.