Just askin'.
Clinton still doesn't have a good answer to questions about why she gave speeches to the Wall Street firms she now says she'll be tough on -- and why she won't release the transcripts of those speeches.
It's among the reasons exit polls show Sanders continuing to trounce Clinton on the issue of credibility. ...CNN
But not in the South. John Cassidy has this:
In the Democratic race, Clinton appears to have an even bigger lock on the South than Trump does. I already mentioned the new poll from Georgia, showing her more than fifty points ahead of Sanders. In other Southern states, too, she appears to have commanding leads. According to a multi-state survey carried out last week by Public Policy Polling, she is ahead by twenty-eight points in Alabama, twenty-six points in Tennessee, twenty-five points in Arkansas, and twenty-two points in Virginia. “Clinton is benefiting in these states from overwhelming African American support,” P.P.P.’s Tom Jensen said in a statement. “She leads by anywhere from 40-62 points among black voters in the nine of these states that have more black voters than the national average.”
The only competitive Southern states appear to be Oklahoma, where Sanders came within two points of Clinton in the P.P.P. survey, and Texas, where the most recent poll, from the University of Texas/Texas Tribune, shows Sanders narrowing what had been a very wide Clinton lead, to ten points. Perhaps reflecting this development, the Clinton campaign has been deploying more staff to Texas. ...NewYorker