What is the problem here? The problem is that every year it's the fashion displayed at the Oscars that's first on this morning-after's agenda. Now, in the umpteenth year in a row, the chosen outfits are just as awful as ever. Versace? Horrific. McCartney? Embarrassing. No wonder Pharrell Williams has rolled up his pants signifying, probably, that he's had to wade through muck just to get to the ceremony.
But all this L.A. "show-me-yours-and-I'll-show-you-mine" celebration has nothing on the Republican party's candidate show-and-tell. The Hil v. Bern drama gets "indie" ratings compared to the wide-screen embarrassment concocted by the political right. "There’s talk of bad spray tans, sweat and urination. Accusations that a rival has ties to the mob. They’ve called one another little or a con artist. And they all agree that the other guys are liars," according to reporters at the Post.
“The catfight going on in the Republican Party right now is just an embarrassment,” said Fred Malek, finance chairman of the Republican Governors Association and a longtime major party donor. “This is schoolyard stuff. It’s disgusting and juvenile.”
Former Senate majority leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), a supporter of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, said he’s “totally embarrassed by a lot of the things Trump has said and I understand why Rubio is swinging to the fences, but to get into who’s tall, who’s short, who’s got a decent haircut, who’s sweaty — I don’t like it.” ...WaPo
Don't try and kid me, Trent. You were an embarrassment in your time! And you know as well as I do that there's a constituency out here that loves it. Candidates have a wide assortment of tools to assess the reception they're getting from minute to minute, from stump speech to stump speech. This crap works! Worse crap works even better! It's fine if your candidate hurls insults. It's the other guys' candidates that we find offensive.
Candidates mirror what we have become, who we are.