Really ...Congressional Republicans were asking for trouble from the moment they decided to use "Benghazi" as a whipping post for Hillary Clinton. Now the whole "investigation" is looking strained and silly.
Tomorrow may bring an end to their effort to embarrass the presidential candidate they most dislike.
...By the time she walks out of that hearing room, chances are that all the Republicans’ hopes of using this issue to bring Clinton down will be officially gone. The timing of Clinton’s testimony couldn’t have worked out better for her, coming as it is after a string of revelations and embarrassments for the committee. ...GregSargent,WaPo
We can thank Kevin McCarthy for setting off the landslide that destroyed the Committee's credibility. But Republican Trey Gowdy -- Committee Chair -- did it himself.
“I would say in some ways these have been among the worst weeks of my life,” Gowdy told Politico. ...GregSargent,WaPo
No wonder!