Oh, okay. And other "minorities" as well. But the Clinton thing -- the Hillary thing -- makes it particularly, well, nutso.
Kevin Drum doesn't put it quite this way, but Republicans shouldn't be surprised to encounter a kind of queasiness many feel about their behaviors and attitudes, given their choice of investigation targets. Like it or not, two Republican investigations -- over the years the two longest and most persistent Congressional investigations initiated by Republicans -- have targeted women. They are Whitewater (the Clintons and most notably Hillary) and Benghazi (yup, Sec of State Hil).
David Graham, writing in The Atlantic, describes the focus on both Clintons. Plus Chelsea. And -- let's face it -- they aren't exactly Harry and Bess and Margaret Truman.
In the current context, this is, of course, about the white political right's relationship with women. There really is a sickness there. Shall we talk about it, or are we still too squeamish?