A somewhat surprising leap in support for Obamacare appears in the latest Kaiser Health Tracking poll. Less than a year ago, the numbers were 53% to 37% -- with 37% holding favorable views of the program. Even that 37% looked good back then. Now the favorables are at 41% and growing with unfavorables at a diminishing 43%.
But there's still the Supreme Court decision ahead.
The poll also found that a majority of respondents were worried about the potential impact of a case before the Supreme Court that could limit health insurance subsidies available under the law to people in states that run their own online marketplaces. Sixty-two percent said such a ruling would have a negative impact on the country, while 23 percent said the impact would be positive.
Nearly 80 percent said they were not confident that Republicans in Congress and Mr. Obama could work together to resolve the issues created by a ruling against the subsidies, which would block them for people in more than 30 states. Regardless, 81 percent of Democrats and 67 percent of independents said that in the event of such a ruling, Congress should pass a law allowing people in those states to continue receiving subsidies. Most Republicans, 56 percent, said Congress should take no action.
But in the potentially affected states, even Republicans said those states should create their own marketplaces so that their residents could keep receiving subsidies. About 60 percent of Republicans, 70 percent of independents and 80 percent of Democrats in states that could be affected by the ruling said they favored state action if the Supreme Court sided with the plaintiffs in the case, King v. Burwell. ...NYT
Wait... How does the Supreme Court stack up these days?
The Supremes are languishing at a 40-year low.