Quite apart from the importance of freeing Bergdahl and meeting the country's debt and obligations to the soldier, it makes sense that Obama would want to make this part of leaving Afghanistan.
We can even do so without dissing Bush, if we must, and just admit that our invasion was pretty useless, damn costly in lives and treasure, and yet another national mistake, not to say disgrace.
Given how fed up most of us are with the right in Congress and in the media --in the poisonous atmosphere they have created -- Bergdahl's return and the release of at least some Gitmo prisoners can only help in the process of making the US look at least somewhat sane to the eyes of the world.
As you will hear, Bergdahl openly disliked what the military were doing and felt very negative about his home country as many of us do. "Ashamed to be an American?" Count me in that group. But believing your country is wrong, off the rails, and dangerous doesn't make you a traitor. The real traitors are those who prefer to bypass reality and embrace extreme politics.
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Of course, once we're out of Afghanistan and more prisoners leave Guantanamo and the more the political power the Taliban achieve, the more likely we are to see closer scrutiny of how and why the Bush administration led us into those wars. That probably won't be a happy time for the GOP. But, in the long run, it would be the best thing for the country. Full knowledge and understanding would be the best medicine for an America in trouble.