Not having Fox TV handy-by in this house, I go to The Hill about four times a week for my dose of "fair and balanced." Top stories today are right out of the right's outhouse.
Gotta love "Vet Scandal Rocks Obama" when the treatment of vets, maybe most notable during the Vietnam war, is an old, old story. This isn't a presidential lapse. It comes straight out of Congress which has fine, fine words about Our Boys, but has been a hopeless tightwad when it comes to dealing with the outcomes of senseless war. Back when economist Joseph Stiglitz came up with a shocking number for the cost of Bush's wars of choice, this citizen began to notice Congress's [in]actions when it comes to dealing with planning and treatment for returning military. Believe me: the shinier the flag pin, the worse the politician behind the lapel.
Next at The Hill today is the fury America's little schoolchildren feel towards Michelle Obama because she has taken away their sausage pizza and given them weird green stuff to eat. "Michelle's Meals Turn Off Kids." Shocking. Another black mark for the White House.
How about Harry Reid as "imperial Majority Leader"? Because never in the history of the US has there been anyone as dictatorial Reid in his position. Not even LBJ? No room left for dispute here, not even from noted historians. Harry Reid is dangerous. Experts agree. And you can spot Experts because they all have an "R" after their names.
“Sen. Reid has actively assumed the role far in excess of that assumed by previous majority leaders. That is to be a traffic cop over the amendment process either to produce amendments by allowing those he deems acceptable for consideration by the Senate or to bar amendments altogether,” said Martin Gold, an expert on congressional procedure who served former Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) and Bill Frist (R-Tenn.). .
“He has engaged in that practice more than twice as frequently as all previous majority leaders combined,” Gold said. ..The Hill
"More than twice as frequently"! Wow! Just the language of the accusation alone is, um, impressive.
Update: More on the media vs. reality here.