NPR this Sunday morning frames its two hour "morning edition" with the subject of addiction. To alcohol, to food, to drugs and to (uh oh) the internet. So what am I gonna think when I read, once again, about Ted Cruz.
A defiant Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Sunday said he would "continue to do anything I can to stop the train wreck that is Obamacare," hinting that he could again seek to complicate efforts to pass a long-term budget deal.
Under the agreement signed by President Obama last week, government funding will again run out on Jan. 15. Lawmakers are hopeful they can strike a long-term budget agreement before that date, and Democrats have said they would not support any bill that repeals or delays key provisions of the president's healthcare law.
But Cruz seemed to hint that he would again look to block any legislation that included ObamaCare funding. ...The Hill
Now you could pass this off as a mere obsession, but I see addiction. To notoriety, to hatred and self-righteousness, to power, to the sound his own voice. Complicated.
There's a lot not to like about Cruz. But we do owe him some credit for doing his homework. ...Better late than never.
Andy Borowitz reports that Cruz is starting with the Afforable Care Act:
... The Texas Senator said that he started reading the law this morning and observed, “So far, it’s pretty dry.”
“It’s not a page-turner, that’s for sure,” he said. “But it’s caused so much controversy, it must have some pretty juicy stuff in it. I’ll keep reading it and see what I find.”
Sen. Cruz said that when he finishes reading the Affordable Care Act, he plans to read the United States Constitution.
“People kept bringing it up the last few weeks,” he said. “So I’m kind of curious to see what all the fuss is about.”...Borowitz,NewYorker