So rightie Eric Erickson is trying to convince people that the old buggaboo of rampant inflation is being visited upon us in spite of what that demon Bernanke tells us librul idiots. Worst of all, women and children (weep, weep) are suffering because of (shame, Obama!) the surge in the prices of milk and bread.
Then along comes Paul Krugman with the official numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing -- oops! -- a significant run-up in prices for both milk and bread during eight years of George Bush.
After that milk prices dropped, rose a little, and dropped again. Bread? Not so good. Sharp increase during the Bush administration, level after Obama takes office and for about two years. Then another brief spike, a dip, and a continuing drop.
You can track it here -- unless you're already in a Right-eous Rage because, of course, the Bureau of Labor Statistics is part of a pervasive communist conspiracy.
By the way, while the right examines that photo looking for evidence of the Kremlin's onion domes in background, we liberals look at it and think about how many homeless (women and children) could be housed there...