It starts with watching Sanford creep around in a kind of weird way when he took off to see his girlfriend in Argentina. He kind of made a production of it. Now he's been caught in seriously creepy stuff around his ex-wife's house.
Under the terms of their divorce settlement the Sanfords aren't allowed to enter each other's homes without permission, yet according to court documents obtained by the Associated Press, Jenny says she found her ex-husband exiting her Sullivans Island, South Carolina home on February 3. And just for an added layer of creepiness, he was sneaking out through the back door and using his phone as a flashlight.
Jenny Sanford's lawyer said in a complaint filed the next day that the former governor has "entered into a pattern" of trespassing in the house, and his ex-wife has spoken to him about it on "a number of occasions."
Mark Sanford is now due in court two days after he challenges Elizabeth Colbert Busch for a vacant congressional seat. Jenny Sanford says the date was set by the court, and insists she isn't trying to sabotage the election. "I am doing my best not to get in the way of his race," she told the AP. "I want him to sink or swim on his own.... Daily Intel
Sink, please. And the sooner the better. Something about his relationships with the women in his life says Sanford is either seriously immature and/or psychopathic.
That impression of Sanford deepens when one learns about Sanford's relationship with"The Family," sometimes known as "the house on C Street", a twisted Christian group with an interest in convincing certain politicians that they are members of the "new chosen" and can rape, pillage, and murder with god's blessing. Sanford was in that group as was the infamous John Ensign -- another Republican member of Congress with power and sex problems.
David Coe, Doug Coe’s son and heir apparent, calls himself simply a friend to men such as John Ensign, whom he guided through the coverup of his affair. I met the younger Coe when I lived for several weeks as a member of the Family. He’s a surprising source of counsel, spiritual or otherwise. Attempting to explain what it means to be chosen for leadership like King David was — or Mark Sanford, according to his own estimate — he asked a young man who’d put himself, body and soul, under the Family’s authority, “Let’s say I hear you raped three little girls. What would I think of you?” The man guessed that Coe would probably think that he was a monster. “No,” answered Coe, “I wouldn’t.” Why? Because, as a member of the Family, he’s among what Family leaders refer to as the “new chosen.” If you’re chosen, the normal rules don’t apply. ...Jeff Sharlet, Salon
Mark Sanford has come to believe he can get away with just about anything. He's done pretty well at that up until now...