In an all-new poll, we get some really old news: the Republican party is rigid, unwilling to compromise, dishonest and (for some) not rigid enough. But they're still regarded by many as more fiscally responsible. That myth has been demolished by recent (and not so recent) history. Why is it allowed to stand?
What Republicans are going through seems very much like what some troubled children go through: they hate themselves as much as they hate their opposition. They've wound up in a situation that's driven by anger, some embarrassment, and panic. Take another look at Pew Research's Andrew Kohut's WaPo editorial.
According to our polling, three factors stand out in the emergence of the GOP’s staunch conservative bloc: ideological resistance to President Obama’s policies, discomfort with the changing face of America and the influence of conservative media. ...WaPo
Underlying: fear of change. Then a profit-driven corporate media decides to make billions from scaring the right into a continuing state of fear, paranoia and hatred -- and continues to do so. Result: A whole population of Americans for whom control is essential but who have lost control.