There really are people out there who believe that cooperation among people is dangerous. Really! Take this little horror coming out of the right:
President-unelect Rick Santorum made his triumphant return to the Capitol on Monday afternoon and took up a brave new cause: He is opposing disabled people.
Specifically, Santorum, joined by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), declared his wish that the Senate reject the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities — a human rights treaty negotiated during George W. Bush’s administration and ratified by 126 nations, including China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Syria and Saudi Arabia.
The former presidential candidate pronounced his “grave concerns” about the treaty, which forbids discrimination against people with AIDS, who are blind, who use wheelchairs and the like. “This is a direct assault on us,” he declared at a news conference. ...Dana Milbank, WaPo
Who the hell is "us"? Able-bodied white conservatives? A select group of Americans? Anyone who isn't Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Cuban, Syrian, or Saudi Arabian?
Oh, I get it. It's that the UN trying to take over the role of parenting in America. (Santorum has a severely disabled child.)
... Their spurious theory of a U.N. takeover of parenting was enough to lead Lee and Santorum to oppose a treaty that would extend American values worldwide and guarantee disabled people equal treatment, and freedom from torture and exploitation. ...Dana Milbank, WaPo
Moving swiftly on...