The Hill is pretty sure the Court's decision will be based on (get this!) a "reliable mix of judicial reasoning and analysis." Seriously! As if!
But there is this other side: the personal aspect, life experience.
The nine justices range as widely in personal health as they do in age — from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is 79 and has twice suffered from cancer, to Elena Kagan, 52, who has not had any health scares.
Experts told The Hill that while the justices are unlikely to cite their own health experiences in rendering opinions on “ObamaCare,” their policy preferences might reflect what they have faced personally.
“Justices live in society and are no doubt affected by their own life experiences,” said George Washington University Professor Paul Wahlbeck. “Their [healthcare experiences] might actually feed into their policy preferences on what is good law and what is good public policy. That could, in turn, shape their judicial views.” ...The Hill
In other words, we're talking about all nine justices being normal. Bad premise.