So okay. It's not Antone's.
It didn’t smell like skunked beer or cigarette ash. The chandeliers weren’t replaced with neon. But Buddy Guy was there, conjuring ghosts from his cream-finish Stratocaster for a crowd of more than 200. Had the White House ever felt more like a roadhouse?
Guy, B.B. King, Mick Jagger and Jeff Beck were among the blues-rock royals assembled to perform at 1600 Pennsylvania on Tuesday night — an evening that ended with a singing performance from President Obama himself.It was the latest (also: the loudest, wildest, most dynamic, most exciting) in a series of semi-regular concerts hosted by first lady Michelle Obama celebrating the American songbook. ...WaPo
So he reaches back, takes the mike from Jagger, picks up the beat, and sings. How cool is that! No, really, how cool is that!
One fan at You Tube types:
He lifted America out of a Republican-induced depression.
250,000 new jobs in January 2012.
He saw to it that bin Laden was eliminated.
He rescued the auto industry - which is now booming, like never before.
After the catastrophe of the Bush/Republican years, America is loved and respected again.
And he sings.
I mean, jeez.
Four more years!!