The Washington Post declares today: "Mitt Romney is zero for two when it comes to transparency in campaigning."
It appears that a secret machine, probably in place for years, is supplying Romney with the power to take power. In a democracy, this isn't exactly kosher. The "bundlers" -- the fundraisers for his campaign -- are operating behind a curtain. Even George W. Bush revealed who his bundlers were.
As Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain, among others, recognized in agreeing to reveal the identities and, within broad categories, amounts collected by their bundlers, the flood of details about relatively trivial campaign donations is far less important than knowing the identity of these essential supporters. Federal election law requires that campaigns report the names of those giving $200 or more, but the existence and proliferation of bundlers means the truly valuable information, about which fundraisers the campaign is most indebted to, remains secret. Mr. Romney’s position is an unfortunate step back. ...WaPo
Romney has taken another step that reveals more about him than he'd probably care to reveal. He has refused to release his tax returns.
Would a President Romney release his tax returns? We posed that question to his campaign, twice, and did not receive an answer. ...WaPo