As the McClatchy headline puts it,"In valley where Seals died, US raids boost Taliban support."
Night raids have become a significant part of the U.S. strategy aimed at weakening the insurgents and compelling their leaders to accept U.S. and Afghan government offers to hold talks on a political settlement of the decade-old war. ...The tactic, however, has proven highly controversial with ordinary Afghans amid charges that they claim civilian lives. President Hamid Karzai has demanded that they stop.
We're tossing Seals' and others' lives into an effort where we leave nothing but chaos. Karzai isn't in charge. We aren't in charge. NATO isn't in charge. That leaves the Taliban.
We're back to square one after how many lives (on all sides) have been lost? how much time and money invested?
The winners turn out to be the Taliban and, to a far greater extent, defense contractors and the politicians they support.