It's one surefire way of keeping Rick Perry out of the White House. And after all, he was the one who wanted to secede.
Perry's latest crusade: make higher education "conservative."
A tempest has erupted on college campuses in Texas over a conservative foundation’s proposal questioning the value taxpayers get from academic critiques of Shakespeare and calling for more accountability.
Republican Gov. Rick Perry has thrown his support behind the Texas Public Policy Foundation, which promotes higher education reforms known as the “Seven Breakthrough Solutions.” The proposals include providing bonuses for professors who score well on student evaluations and splitting teaching and research budgets. ...WaPo
Here's what the Texas Tribune has to say about one of the leaders of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the reactionary group behind the proposed "reforms."
His nickname around the Texas Capitol is “mucus.”
It’s a play on Michael Quinn Sullivan’s initials — MQS — but the moniker is fitting on at least two levels: It underscores how much of an irritant the conservative activist has become to politicians who dare buck his Tea Party orthodoxy. It also says something about Sullivan’s staying power in Republican-ruled Texas.
They can’t get rid of him.
“He’s had a tremendous influence on some of my colleagues,” said longtime state Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston. “I’ve got to commend him. He’s whipped it up pretty successfully to make himself appear to be much more of a power than I think he really is in terms of delivering votes to or against somebody in an election.”