They're making so much money out of the new health care bill that it's hard to believe that lobbyists and the corporate interests they represent would lean towards its repeal. Lobbyists, once again, will largely determine what regulations are put in place and how they will be applied.
Lobbying firms are adding healthcare specialists and new boutique firms are opening to court clients interested in influencing the shape of regulations implementing the law.
Nearly a year after healthcare’s passage, there’s little sign of business slowing down.
“Passing the law is just the beginning of the story in this case. The development of the regulations are hugely important,” said Megan Hauck, a former senior policy adviser to Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.).
Hauck is opening her own lobby shop to work on healthcare issues with Melanie Nathanson, a former healthcare adviser to ex-Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), who went on to lead the Glover Park Group’s healthcare practice.
“This is becoming the Regulatory Lawyer Employment Act of 2011,” said Ivan Adler, a principal at the McCormick Group who recruits lobbyists for firms and trade groups.
We're faced with the wholly amoral, apolitical underbelly of our system. In the end, K Street tends to profit from legislation no matter whose legislation it is.
The Center for Responsive Politics, a campaign finance watchdog, says the healthcare sector spent more than $391 million on lobbying in 2010. That figure does not include last year’s fourth quarter, which will be reported later this week. ..The Hill