Yes, I think we have confirmation this morning from the New York Times. The president is feeling a little "personal pique" at liberals and more than a little pique at us progressives. Probably not as pissed as we have been, though.
But our wrath is righteous, his (I bet) is more like the distress of the powerful figure who feels the teeth of the grinder on his ego. The punishment for his personal pique? He's being sent out by his advisers to woo us. That must hurt.
Assuming that many independents are out of reach, White House strategists are counting on Mr. Obama to energize, cajole, wheedle and even shame the left into matching the Tea Party momentum that has propelled Republicans this year.
As he holds rallies aimed at college students and minority groups, sends e-mail to his old list of campaign supporters and prepares to host a town hall-style meeting on MTV, the president essentially is appealing to his liberal base to put aside its disappointment in him. Without offering regrets for policy choices that have angered liberals, Mr. Obama argues that the Republican alternative is far worse.
See, we know that already, Mr. O. We just want Democratic politicians to quit being suck-ups and show a little independence. Yourself included, yr majesty. And stop blaming us, wouldja? You're behaving like the football star who wants all the girls to love him so he can act scornful and picky. He thinks he can cheat on us while we're expected to gaze at him adoringly at all times.
[The president] added that “the energy that you were able to bring to our politics in 2008, that’s needed not less now, it’s needed more now.” At times, though, the message has come across as scolding and testy, in the view of some Democrats. Mr. Obama told Rolling Stone magazine that Democrats “need to buck up” because it would be “inexcusable” for them to stay home.
Of course, we pay the heavier price if we say home. We don't have to love the guy, we just have to think in terms of our futures. And there really is hope. Get this:
Recent polls show that Republicans hold an edge among voters likely to turn out on Election Day, while Democrats pull ahead if all registered voters are counted.
Repeat: Democrats pull ahead if all registered voters are counted.
Are you registered? Just vote. Forget about the tall guy with the "personal pique" who says dumb, patronizing stuff like "buck up."
Just vote.