Definitely not something that puts the average American first. The Hill's headline looks surprised.
Obama slams GOP 'Pledge' as giveaway to millionaires, Wall Street
No surprise. Obama and more than half the population of the US have learned that Republicans they think people with incomes under $50,000 are out to rip them off. Meanwhile, they're ripping all of us off. Their "pledge" comes with a big cost they're not talking about.
The legislative blueprint includes a number of specific policy proposals, including a plan to use unspent stimulus funds to pay down the debt, and another to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. But as far as paying for those proposals, the document is largely silent.
Extending the Bush tax cuts, for instance, is estimated to cost $3.7 trillion over the next decade — well above the $1 trillion the Republicans hope to recover through undefined cuts in discretionary spending.The discrepancies haven't been overlooked by Obama, who wants to extend the Bush tax cuts for middle- and upper-middle class families, but not for those earning more than $250,000 a year. Obama's plan is estimated to cost about $700 billion less than the GOP's across-the-board extension."For all their talk about reining in spending and getting our deficits under control, they want to borrow another $700 billion, and use it to give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires," the president said Saturday. "On average, that’s a tax cut of about $100,000 for millionaires."
Well, at least we unimportant folks can look forward to relief from the worst excesses of health care costs, right? Wrong. The GOP is out to take that away, too, and put your money in their pockets. Same old same old.