From the moment derivatives took hold of the financial system, financial wizards in government and their Wall Street colleagues did everything they could to obscure the potential damage this trading could inflict on all of us. Both parties -- no, really both parties -- are culpable. The Clinton administration had Robert Rubin clamping down on any effort to expose the dangers of these investments. And he was just one of many. Larry Summers is another perp as was Alan Greenspan. Brooksley Born, then head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission -- a regulatory agency -- knew the dangers and tried to expose them. She was shot down.
The commission, a bipartisan Congressional panel, has been holding hearings on the origins of the financial crisis. D. Keith Johnson, a former president of Clayton Holdings, a company that analyzed mortgage pools for the Wall Street firms that sold them, told the commission on Thursday that almost half the mortgages Clayton sampled from the beginning of 2006 through June 2007 failed to meet crucial quality benchmarks that banks had promised to investors.Mr. Johnson said he took this data to officials at Standard & Poor’s, Fitch Ratings and to the executive team at Moody’s Investors Service.“We went to the ratings agencies and said, ‘Wouldn’t this information be great for you to have as you assign tranche levels of risk?’ ” Mr. Johnson testified last week. But none of the agencies took him up on his offer, he said, indicating that it was against their business interests to be too critical of Wall Street. ...NYT
I think what we all want to know is whether we are being protected now -- at least somewhat better than during the past fifteen years or more. And I think we all know that the answer is "probably not."
When Republicans hammer away at the climate of "uncertainty," they're not talking about small investors' uncertainty. They want to make sure the "climate" is sunny for business. They have little concern, if any, for investors still cleaning up after the storm and who find that Congress is not about to build sturdier protections against the next flood.