It's kind of a back door appointment to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and it will be announced shortly. Warren is being taken on to "oversee its establishment as an assistant to President Obama."
The decision, which Mr. Obama is to announce this week, would allow Ms. Warren, a Harvard law professor, to effectively run the new agency without having to go through a potentially contentious confirmation battle in the Senate.
This puts her in the same category as Rahm Emanuel. Assistant to the president.
The decision does not preclude the possibility that Ms. Warren could eventually be named director, and at the least, she would play a pivotal role in deciding whom to appoint to the job, according to the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt the formal announcement. Several organizations, including ABC, reported the news of Ms. Warren’s impending appointment on Wednesday.
In the New York Times, the news appears in the business section.
Shhh. Don't want to wake a sleeping, chronically mentally ill Senate. Don't want to make it seem as though the president is standing up for principle.