It staggers me to read defenses of what the Israelis have done. They attacked a civilian flotilla in international waters breaking no law. When they met fierce if asymmetric resistance, they opened fire. And we are now being asked to regard the Israelis as the victims.
This is like a mini-Gaza all over again. The Israelis don't seem to grasp that Western militaries don't get to murder large numbers of civilians because they don't like them, or because they could, on a far tinier scale, hurt Israelis....Andrew Sullivan
What the Israeli navy has done -- wait a minute: what the nation of Israel has done in its response to civilian protesters boarding the ship -- is abhorrent. There's no more to say about it, only that we owe it to our own deeply flawed nation to detach ourselves from "allies" who expect us to help them get away with such brutality. Yes, we've shown ourselves to be just as brutal, but we need to begin somewhere to get our souls back.