The Times notes Jon Stewart has earned the role of official truth squad when it comes to fact-checking Fox. In a recent attempt to smear Obama, Fox asserted that "the crescent-shaped logo of the nuclear security summit" might be "an 'Islamic image'..." chosen by the president.
Stewart just picked up the phone and called the White House.
The White House told “The Daily Show” that the logo was actually based on the Rutherford-Bohr model of the atom.
“This is how relentless Fox is” in savaging President Obama, Mr. Stewart said.On the subject of Fox, Mr. Stewart is pretty relentless too. As demonstrated by that crescent segment and dozens of others since Mr. Obama took office, he may well be television’s pre-eminent fact-checker of Fox News, the nation’s highest-rated cable news channel.
Truth, democracy and the American way of life are saved from Fox's depredations by Comedy Central.
Nothing is more effective than humor in outing political corruption and corporate greed. People tend to laugh before they check their political beliefs to see if it's okay to laugh. The way to bring down “truly a terrible, cynical, disingenuous news organization” like Fox is more likely to be ridicule than frustration and disapproval. Want to erase ratings? Try ridicule.