The government decision responsible for the growth of the Tea Party movement -- the bank bailout -- has turned out to be a source of nice income for all of us. TARP is making profits at a fat rate: 8.5%. Have any of your investments done as well over the past couple of years?
The Treasury Department is booking an 8.5 percent profit on investments in bailed out banks, according to a new survey. ...
... The survey looked at 49 companies that have repaid money and fully exited the $700 billion financial bailout Congress passed in 2008 in the thick of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.The Treasury Department said Friday the government had been repaid $181 billion from the program, and predicted that the bailout would be a net profit to taxpayers. The profits stem from early repayments, stock sales, dividends and warrants issued under the bailout. ... The Hill