CIA failed to protect America: failed to combine the intercepts with other information that might have disrupted last week’s attempted airline bombing... did not synthesize the eavesdropping intelligence with information gathered in November... “They promised to look into it. They didn’t take him seriously.”... portrait of an intelligence breakdown in the months before Mr. Abdulmutallab... resemblance to the failures before the Sept. 11 attacks... billions of dollars spent over the last eight years to improve the intelligence flow and secret communications across the United States’ national security apparatus... “human and systemic failures” leading up to the foiled attack... battle to assign blame... failing to piece together information about an impending attack... did not broadly share the information with other security agencies... barrage of partisan attacks... looking at information without adequately checking other available databases... oversight or human error... failed to pull them together to disrupt his plot... father beseeched Nigerian and American officials to intervene... American officials essentially ignored... could have revoked Mr. Abdulmutallab’s visa, but they chose not to... sent to C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Va., but not disseminated to other intelligence agencies... criticized the C.I.A. for withholding some of the information... should probably have shared the cable... intelligence analysts did not connect... not worrisome enough to do anything... chose not to add Mr. Abdulmutallab’s name... no action was taken. ...NYT
CIA failed to protect itself: wearing an explosive vest killed at least eight American civilians, most of them C.I.A. officers, at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan... single deadliest episode for the spy agency... final number of dead could be higher... bomber managed to elude security and reach an area near the base’s gym... questions raised was whether the bomber worked at the base and had clearance, or if a security slip allowed him to gain entry... NYT