I have a feeling that if Rasmussen had polled people in person -- face to face -- rather than on the phone, 54% of middle class Americans would not have said they'd rather have a tax cut than see the money spent on health care. Quote unquote:
... A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that most voters continue to favor middle class tax cuts over spending more money for health care reform.
But something's a little screwy.
54% of voters believe major changes are needed in the health care system. Sixty-one percent (61%) say it’s important for Congress to pass health care reform this year, but most would prefer a series of smaller reforms rather than a comprehensive approach.
Probably that's why Rasmussen is stuck in the "interesting but unreliable" category in my mind ever since the campaigns. Pew Research tends to give more confidence: they get into the weeds. And -- who knows? -- maybe they actually talk with people. Ever been polled on the phone?
Oh, and when Rassy's barebones results are accompanied by a Mitt Romney campaign ad, well...