Another regional bank has gone down. Guaranty Bank, an Austin, TX, bank which had invested in (among other things) mortages in California, took a killer hit and has been bought out by a Spanish bank, a huge conglomerate made up smaller regional banks in Spain. The report in the Austin-American Statesman this morning has elicited, so far, one comment and it's a comment worth thinking about.
Well, the teabaggers have seen half the light and we've seen the other half and we speak different languages. We tend to see the failures of greedy corporations who have had more than enough of an assist from greedy politicians "on the backs of taxpayers," the most notable among the politicians being Republicans. The teabaggers tend to see the failures of a government which bails out greedy institutions "on the backs of taxpayers" and only Democrats like government.
Hey -- get rid of the rhetoric and there's a lot of truth on both sides as well as commonality. Neither side likes greed, bailouts, dirty politicians, and the guys at the top getting away with murder. Is that something we could build on? Or are both sides so intransigent that our hate for one another prevents us from going after the real enemies? Our combined efforts could actually change things. Which is why our common enemies promote that hate and pay media and lobbyists to fuel the anger and division.