The decision not to prosecute CIA officials involved in illegal torture is setting off some kind of firestorm in the media. I'm not sure I think the decision was bad unless (big unless) it carries within it a de facto pardon of the high officials who allowed torture to be used, twisting themselves into knots trying to find legal justification for their actions.
The next step is up to Congress -- which means it's up to us. There's a real possibility that the Obama administration has wanted Congress to carry the can all along. I wouldn't disagree with that. Accountability -- investigation and prosecution -- really is the responsibility of Congress. We're being a little disingenuous if we think electing Obama will get us and our representatives off the hook.
What Obama has to be very wary of is the kind of reaction which hit Gerald Ford thirty-five years ago. Ford's unpopularity continues. But that's the least of it. The anger is still there and growing.