There are going to be some changes in "conservative" radio. Before I tell you about some of them, keep this in mind in mind: the right's coopting of the word "conservative" has been illegimate from the start -- a group of little pretend emperors parading in pretend clothing. But the wingnut team lives in hope, and will expand and dilate now that a Democrat is in office. Some surprising new voices will be heard.
Mike Huckabee may move to radio from TV. Fred Thompson will be taking over Bill O's spot. Rudy Giuliani is "in negotiations." Many of the regulars, like Limbaugh and Hannity, will remain in place. They're all set to go after Obama. Their tone needs a change: they're up against a much, much more articulate and intelligent administration than the Bush gang, a president who, like Clinton, knows how to create a new language, a language much more persuasive and forceful than that of, say, Cheney channeling Orwell.
Conservative talk radio has been taking a hit and now has a mortal enemy. Guess who!
Plus, only wingnuts and strays remain in the audience and that audience is down 3.5%. Apparently mainstream Republicans now shun them. Genuine conservatives have been increasingly supportive of Barack Obama.
As for Obama's uncanny ability to coopt the language of politics, listen to what Republican commentator, Frank Luntz -- clearly an admirer of the new president -- has to say.