According to the latest at Talking Points Memo, Alaska's senator/felon is "probably toast." The absentee ballots favor his Democratic rival by a widening margin. It ain't over till it's over, but Ted Stevens looks like yesterday's crook hoping for quick and easy redemption in his old office.
Also tipped at TPM, a Time article out today with revelations about former Alabama governor Don Siegelman's prosecution, now more closely linked to finaglings by the White House and Karl Rove. There is new evidence which affects not only the Siegelman case but which may open up (finally!) the whole can o' worms at the Bush Justice Department. George Bush may not be impeached before he leaves office, but Congress has plenty of picks and chisels to eat away at the well-being of the about-to-be former president. Legacy? Not much to be proud of. Mostly dirty laundry, it seems.