We knew from the get-go, didn't we!, that Michael Mukasey was sleazeball -- yet another Bush attorney general who would serve the White House and himself, not the people. Now the judge has shown what kind of judgment he has in his personal and professional life. He's been cheating with government (taxpayer) money by overusing government services.
High government officials are forced to use government transportation. They can't fly coach in a commercial plane for security reasons. But they're expected to reimburse the government at a rate based on the cost of coach fares. Mukasey did pay back at the usual rate but not entirely. He used government planes with what is now considered to have been excessive frequency, taking family members along on occasion.
It's the frequency that does it. Each reimbursement covers less than 10% of the actual costs of travel on government carriers. When Mukasey overused the system, we were paying for it. 10%, by the way, is only slightly more than what the average American has lost in disposable income over the past years.