"When Sen. Barack Obama entered a barbecue joint here to greet dozens of people eating lunch after church services on Sunday, Diane Fanning, 54, who works at a Sam's Club, began yelling, 'Socialist, socialist, socialist — get out of here!'"
He did change some minds.
"Betty Waylett, 76 and a Republican, said she'd vote for him. 'You're doing a great job,' she said...
"... Mike Long, 33, a first-time voter in furniture sales, said that after talking with Obama about health care, he’d gone from less than 50 percent likely to vote for him to '98 percent' likely.
"Sheila Evans, 39, who is biracial, told Obama, 'I'm so proud of you.'"
And damn! he had a good lunch.
"They ordered chicken, collards, baked beans, slaw and wings. The tab was $13.91. The visit lasted about a half hour." ... McClatchy...