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Reading, listening to, and questioning America... from the southern Great Plains
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Yes, he is a fascist.
GOP top
The many lives of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Incredibly yuge!!
Some of us hang together; some hate everyone
Is Hillary in the clear?
Time for a delicious, well-seasoned roast of Bush
With Britain's exit from Europe, US also loses international clout
How the Republicans (reds) are (slowly) taking over
The Scribe
Four types of Democrats, five types of Republicans. Too partisan to govern?
November 2011: What is OCCUPY?
Nation-killer: America has an inequality problem that's bringing our society down
US gun-runners force confrontation between Obama and NRA
Obama's principles, his skepticism, his pragmatism, and his game plan
Our "hidden brains" -- political decisions, the Republican disconnect, and how politicians connive with voters
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Who gets reformed and who gets protected?
Searching for "truth and accuracy" in the media
Health care reality check. Interview with Uwe Reinhardt.
LOL! How the internet was born
The danger next time: the pressures to keep financial instruments unregulated
"Uh-oh. Wall Street has got its swagger back!" Interview with economist Simon Johnson
T. R. Reid: How to win over the right and get "better, cheaper, and fairer health care"
Eugene Jarecki on "The American Way of War: Guided Missiles, Misguided Man, and the Republican Peril"
"The Predator State": an interview with James K. Galbraith
Interview with George Packer on "The Fall of Conservatism"
The "shadow system" and the US economy
"War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death." Discussion with Norman Solomon
Failures, lies, and cover-ups of the 9/11 Commission
"Gotcha Capitalism": about those capitalist predators we love to hate
"Free Lunch": David Cay Johnston on hidden government subsidies for the very, very rich
Matt Bai, "The Argument: Billionaires, Bloggers, and the Battle to Remake Democratic Politics"
Why Iran distrusts the US
Drew Westen, "The Political Brain"
Analysis: Right to choose
How a third candidate affects how we decide who to vote for: "The decoy effect"
"American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America"
Jeff Sharlet on how fundamentalists are "reimagining" American history
Interview with Chalmers Johnson
"One step too far:" Serious shifts in the federal balance of power, and some excerpts from Justice O'Connor's Georgetown speech
"American Coup d’État: Military thinkers discuss the unthinkable”
Joe Biden on partisan politics, secrecy, Iran, Supreme Court
Paul Pierson and Jacob Hacker interview: "Off Center: The Republican Revolution and the Erosion of American Democracy"
Nina Totenberg reports on Judge Samuel Alito -- his revealing rulings and dissents on Roe, states' rights, church/state, affirmative action
Finders Keepers
Whew! Ed Sheeran!
Redman, Mehldau, and generosity
Too damn much gratitude
"Ascending Bird"
"Crap cars"
Monk and Coltrane together again
Marsalis plays Coltrane
Jeanne-Claude, Christo, and Tinkerbell
Rubens and Warhol
Not entirely what it seems: Istanbul to Meshed to Srinagar to Saigon
More pattern language
Wind in the Willows, apple wood smoke, and finding home
Notes from a prurient January evening in the late 1980's
Having time
Details: Larsen and Salinger
Breasts of savages not soothed but driven away by Pavarotti
Abstraction and (not or) realism
Seeing our world (and hiding in it)
Richard Wilbur
Pynchon, plots, and puritanism
John Gardner on "catching on"
Sor Juana
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Legal stimulants
ALEC Exposed
Bad Attitudes
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Beggars Can Be Choosers
Booman Tribune
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Brains and Eggs
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Daily Yonder
Democratic Strategist
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Field Lab
Field Negro
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Jesus' General
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Margaret and Helen
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Moderate Voice
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Out-of-Eden Walk
Please Cut the Crap
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Sky Dancing
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The Rest is Noise
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This Can't Be Happening
View From My Kitchen Table
Washington Monthly-Political Animal
Washington Note
Whites Creek Journal
Working in Bare Feet
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