Anarchicons? Maybe. We've been watching what many believe is the willful destruction of government in the US. Dick Polman believes Sarah Palin is a symptom of the Republicans master plan. She is yet another hopelessly mediocre candidate for high office.
"She stated on ABC News that Alaska produces 'nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy.' The accurate energy statistic, according to the federal government, is 3.5 percent. She subsequently amended her boast, claiming during a stump speech that Alaska produces 'nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of oil and gas.' Wrong again. The accurate oil and gas statistic, according to the feds, is 7.4 percent.
"Yet none of this matters to McCain, and why should it? In America these days, we award everyone for merit, from the brilliant to the mediocre. Just as in Little League, everyone gets a trophy. It’s the ultimate in populist democratization. Which is why McCain insists, despite all empirical evidence to the contrary, that Sarah Palin 'knows more about energy than probably anybody in the United States of America.'
"Palin, however, is merely the latest beneficiary in the national celebration of mediocrity, much like one of those early-round American Idol entrants who wins insta-fame for being Just Like Us. Lest we forget, the lame-duck administration in Washington has long been dumbing down the standards for public service, by seeking to elevate the ill-qualified to positions of authority."