Is Hillary Clinton, sure of a huge win in the late and not exactly "definitive" Puerto Rico primary, now running as an outsider? an insurgent? This is the first mention I've seen so far of a key happening yesterday. Billary's grip on the DNC is, like, so last decade.
NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd, on MSNBC after yesterday’s decision by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee to seat the Florida and Michigan delegations at half strength: “The Democratic National Committee is not somehow controlled by the Clintons … anymore. … This is Barack Obama’s party now. He’s already been winning the outside game. He now won the inside game.”
Howard Wolfson, on Fox News, claimed that Clinton has the popular vote. This has been a constant refrain over the past several weeks. For those who haven't kept track and wonder whether he has a leg to stand on, RealClearPolitics has been keeping track. Obama is ahead of Clinton in the popular vote by 165,756, or .5%. Not a lot. But Clinton is definitely not ahead.