California likes Obama by a big enough margin that it's bound to have some effect on wavering superdels.
And the money is on Obama.
Reports in most MSM show Clinton's attacks in Pennsylvania to have been counterproductive. A win in Pennsylvania is unlikely for Obama, but he appears to have pared back Clinton's lead by a pretty big amount, leaving her with districts producing fewer delegates.
And look at what's happening in North Carolina.
The most attention-getting polls assess Democrats' chances in the general election. These numbers from Rasmussen show the Democratic nominee as having a real advantage.
Obama is exhausted, disconcerted. Clinton is sticking to her scorched-earth strategy, one which already may have jinxed Democrats' chances for a win in November.
It’s not too late for the Democrats to pull this off. But there’s already blood on the floor from the nomination fight, and the fight ain’t over. The G.O.P.’s fondest wish is that the Democrats keep doing what they’re doing.