Muckraker links to a Wall Street Journal report on the use of private contractors in "harsh interrogation."
The CIA's secret interrogation program has made extensive use of outside contractors, whose role likely included the waterboarding of terrorist suspects, according to testimony yesterday from the CIA director and two other people familiar with the program.
Many of the contractors involved aren't large corporate entities but rather individuals who are often former agency or military officers. However, large corporations also are involved, current and former officials said. Their identities couldn't be learned.
Uh, Halliburton maybe? And Blackwater is a likely culprit. But they're just two of many. Paul Kiel at Muckraker has posted a letter from Senator Feinstein to Attorney General Mukasey noting that CIA director Hayden has admitted that private contractors are used for "enhanced interrogation techniques," and requesting Mukasey's views.
We know what his views are. We're getting to the point where we think he should be offered a choice between impeachment or ... well ... waterboarding.