We may be coming to the end of the Bush era. Don't get too excited. There may be other plans in the works. And we still have a deeply corrupted media to deal with. But at least we have this: the Chicago Tribune printed the truth. It corrected one of media's best known calumnists and told the truth!
A Time magazine essay by Joe Klein that was excerpted on the editorial page Wednesday incorrectly stated that the House Democratic version of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act would require a court approval of individual foreign surveillance targets. It does not.
The information comes from Glenn Greenwald who's been on Joe Klein's case now for days and who may well deserve the credit for shaming some media into checking out Klein's claims. What's needed now is a statement from Time magazine and its irresponsible calumnist/columnist, Joe Klein, owning up to the lies and mischaracterizations, along with a deep bow to Greenwald for keeping the pressure on.