Looks like the hurdle created by Doc Hastings has been removed.
The House Ethics Committee will move ahead now in its investigations of DeLay. The problem was the decision Hastings made to put the actual investigations in the hands of Republican staff members. He's backed down. The Washington Post reports:
The logjam was broken by Chairman Doc Hastings, R-Wash., and senior Democrat Alan Mollohan of West Virginia. The latest dispute was over the powers allotted to Hastings' chief of staff, Ed Cassidy, who will work part-time for the committee but not be part of the investigative staff. The two leaders swapped proposals for several hours Thursday night before agreeing on Cassidy's role.
But none of us should believe this creates a wide open road to the end of Tom DeLay. The Republicans will surely use the Committee in an effort to "level the playing field" and nail Democrats for dubious travel arrangements or anything else they can find to create embarrassment for Congressional Democrats.