Josh Marshall has posted a link to a piece written by one of our fellow citizens which may provide the kick-off for 2005. Written by David Holcberg at the Ayn Rand Institute (interesting! Gary Cooper! Patricial Neal! intellectual! avant garde!), it challenges the notion of giving aid to tsunami victims.
Marshall calls Holcberg to task:
Ayn Rand institute says US aid to disaster victims is wrong, though private charity "may be entirely proper, especially considering that most of those affected by this tragedy are suffering through no fault of their own." (emphasis added)
I'm waiting to hear about the minority of victims suffering because of self-inflicted tsunami damage.
I think Marshall is being naive here. We know -- particularly if we've lived through the Reagan Revolution -- that most people are to blame for their misfortunes. Why should tsunami victims get off the hook? An added consideration might be whether most of the victims were not, unfortunately, born again and were therefore sinners of the worst kind.
But Holcberg goes a long way beyond intimating that some may have brought the disaster on themselves. He questions the whole notion of altruism and points out (very helpfully, for our budgets in the new year) that we are stepping over the line. We are condoning extortion:
The United States government, however, should not give any money to help the tsunami victims. Why? Because the money is not the government's to give.
Every cent the government spends comes from taxation. Every dollar the government hands out as foreign aid has to be extorted from an American taxpayer first.
Interesting point. He continues:
Year after year, for decades, the government has forced American taxpayers to provide foreign aid to every type of natural or man-made disaster on the face of the earth: from the Marshall Plan to reconstruct a war-ravaged Europe to the $15 billion recently promised to fight AIDS in Africa to the countless amounts spent to help the victims of earthquakes, fires and floods--from South America to Asia. Even the enemies of the United States were given money extorted from American taxpayers: from the billions given away by Clinton to help the starving North Koreans to the billions given away by Bush to help the blood-thirsty Palestinians under Arafat's murderous regime.
The question no one asks about our politicians' "generosity" towards the world's needy is: By what right? By what right do they take our hard-earned money and give it away?
An appealing argument because the government gets up my nose most of the time, too. But I suppose an argument might be that they are our elected representatives and just as they can decide (in spite of the opposition of half of America) to invade other countries illegally, they can also hand over an amount slightly less than the cost of a presidential inauguration to help the families of those who may have induced a tsunami to carry them off. (Yes, yes. I know the inauguration ceremonies are being paid for by Republican supporters, but we know where they got their money from, don't we! From us! And often by means even less legal than those used by the IRS.)
But here is where Mr. Holcberg really warms to his subject:
The reason politicians can get away with doling out money that they have no right to and that does not belong to them is that they have the morality of altruism on their side. According to altruism--the morality that most Americans accept and that politicians exploit for all it's worth--those who have more have the moral obligation to help those who have less. This is why Americans--the wealthiest people on earth--are expected to sacrifice (voluntarily or by force) the wealth they have earned to provide for the needs of those who did not earn it. It is Americans' acceptance of altruism that renders them morally impotent to protest against the confiscation and distribution of their wealth. It is past time to question--and to reject--such a vicious morality that demands that we sacrifice our values instead of holding on to them.
By god, that's worth thinking about. There is a small point here, however, which I'd have to agree with. Don't allow politicians (in this case, George W. Bush) to accept the credit for donating your money.
Next time a politician gives away money taken from you to show what a good, compassionate altruist he is, ask yourself: By what right?
By the way, I just checked. Yes, the Ayn Rand Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization which means it: